[Rock-dev] Roby/Syskit master and backward compatibility

Sylvain Joyeux bir.sylvain at gmail.com
Tue May 30 15:42:49 CEST 2017

The current Roby/Syskit versions in master have changed significantly
last year. *However*, while backward compatibility did break in the
internal APIs, the user-visible APIs (i.e. the bundles) should not

I heard "on the side" that it did happen for "some people" - without
any more details. Obviously I can only fix things I know ... so
without any form of report about backward-compatibility breakage I
cannot do anything.

Since this is the version that is going to be released soonish ...
Speak now or forever hold your peace.

Generally speaking, I am willing to keep backward compatibility when
possible, and at least, I would *VERY MUCH* prefer warning about
deprecated features before breaking them. There's going to be one
backward-incompatible change after the release, but I couldn't find
any way to avoid that one unfortunately. I'll update you once the
release is done.


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