4th Workshop on Semantic Deep Learning (SemDeep-4)

This workshop was held at ISWC 2018 (8-12 October in Monterey, California)

Previous editions: SemDeep-1@ESWC 2017, SemDeep-2@IWCS 2017, SemDeep-3@COLING 2018


Workshop proceedings are now available at http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2241/

Workshop Description

Semantic Web (SW) Technologies and Deep Learning (DL) share the goal of creating intelligent artifacts. Both disciplines have had a remarkable impact in data and knowledge analysis, as well as knowledge representation, and in fact constitute two complementary directions for modeling expressible linguistic phenomena and solving semantically complex problems. In this context, and following the main foundations set in past editions, SemDeep-4 aims to bring together SW and DL research as well as industrial communities. SemDeep is interested in contributions of DL to classic problems in semantic applications, such as: (semi-automated) ontology learning, ontology alignment, ontology annotation, duplicate recognition, ontology prediction, knowledge base completion, relation extraction, and semantically grounded inference, among many others. At the same time, we invite contributions that analyse the interaction of SW technologies and resources with DL architectures, such as knowledge-based embeddings, collocation discovery and classification, or lexical entailment, to name only a few. This workshop seeks to provide an invigorating environment where semantically challenging problems which appeal to both Semantic Web and Computational Linguistic communities are addressed and discussed.