List of Accepted Papers for CIA-2001

Following papers have been accepted for publication in the proceedings of the
CIA 2001 workshop (LNAI series, Springer). The list also includes the invited contributions
in the order of their appearance in the corresponding sections of the proceedings.
A selected number of all papers in this list will be expanded and revised for inclusion in a
special issue of the International Journal on Cooperative Information Systems by World Scientific.
[fp] = full paper (12 pages), [sp] = short paper (6 pages)

    Personal Assistance (1): Interaction and Avatars

    Personal Assistance (2): Information Search and Recommendation

    Supporting user-profiled semantic Web-oriented search
    L. Palopoli, D.  Rosaci, G. Terracina, D. Ursino (Italy)

    Recommending a trip plan by negotiation with a software travel agent
    V.-W. Soo, S.-H. Liang (Taiwan)

    CoWing: A collaborative bookmark management system
    R. Kanawati, M. Malek (France)

    Context-aware personal information agents
    E. Plaza, J.-L. Arcos (Spain) [fp]

    Data Warehousing and Mining

    Invited Contribution:
    Data Warehouse Quality and Agent Technology
    M. Jarke (Germany)

    Decision trees for multiple abstraction levels of data
    D. Lee, M. Jeong (Korea) [fp]

    Collaborative Information Agents: Systems and Applications

    Supporting Information Integration With Autonomous Agents
    S. Bergamaschi, G. Cabri, F. Guerra, L. Leonardi,
    M. Vincini, F. Zambonelli (Italy) [fp]

    Using agents in performing multi-site queries
    E. di Nitto, C. Ghezzi, M. Sabba, P. Selvin (Italy)

    Extending a multi-agent system for genomic annotation
    K. Decker, S. Khan, C. Schmidt, D. Michaud (USA) [fp]

    Domain-independent ontologies for cooperative information agents
    M. Gomez, C. Abasolo, E. Plaza (Spain) [fp]

    Trading Internet Agents (1): Auctions

    An autonomous bidding agent for simultaneous auctions
    N. Formara, L.M. Gambardella (Switzerland) [fp]

    Optimality and risk in purchase from multiple auctions
    O. Shehory (Israel) [fp]

    Cryptographic protocols for secure second-price auctions
    F. Brandt (Germany) [fp]

    Trading Internet Agents (2): Strategies, Negotiation, and Design

    Equilibria strategies for selecting sellers and satisfying buyers
    C.V. Goldman, S. Kraus, O. Shehory (USA, Israel) [fp]

    On the logical aspects of argument-based negotiation among agents
    L. Brito, P. Novais, J. Neves (Portugal)  [fp]

    Introducing a multi-agent, multi-criteria methodolgy for modeling
    electronic consumer's behavior: The case of Internet radio
    N. Manouselis, N.F. Matsatsinis (Greece)

    Modeling commercial knowledge to develop advanced agent-based
    marketplaces for e-commerce
    M. Molina (Spain)

    Arms race within information ecosystems
    B. Carlsson, R. Gustavsson (Sweden)

    Issues of Collaboration and Coordination

    Invited Contribution (Abstract):
    Information Agents: The Social Nature of Information and the Role of Trust
    C. Castelfranchi (Italy)

    A Framework for the Exchange and Installation of Protocols in a Multi-Agent System
    T. Iwao, Y. Wada, M. Okada, M. Amamiya (Japan) [fp]

    Ontology negotiation as a basis for opportunistic cooperation
    between intelligent information agents
    S.C. Ballin, W. Truszkowski (USA)

    A mechanism for temporal reasoning by collaborative agents
    M. Hadad, S. Kraus (Israel, USA)

    Agent coordination infrastructures for virtual enterprises and workflow management
    A. Ricci, E. Denti, A. Omicini (Italy)

    Information Agents for Mobile and Wireless Environments:

    Practical Issues and Directions

    Invited Contribution (Abstract):
    Mobile Agents: State of the Art and Research Opportunities
    G.P. Picco (Italy)

    Enabling FIPA agents on small devices
    G. Adorni, F. Bergenti, A. Poggi, G. Rimassa (Italy) [fp]

    Towards efficient and reliable agent communication in wireless environments
    H. Helin, M. Laukkanen (Finland)

    Invited Contribution:
    T. Finin (USA)