CIA-2002 Awards

The CIA 2002 workshop issues a best paper and system award to acknowledge highly innovative research and development, respectively,
in the area of intelligent information agents. Only submissions to the CIA 2002 workshop will be evaluated.

CIA System Innovation Award 2002
This year's award is sponsored by the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence 
1st prize (91 scores each):

Virtual Private Community System
Developed by T. Iwao, M. Okada, K. Kawashima, S. Matsumura,
H. Kanda, S. Sakamoto, T. Kainuma, M. Amamiya (Fujitsu, Japan)

Competitive Information Recommendation System
Developed by Y. Kitamura, T. Sakamoto, S. Tatsumi (Osaka U, Japan)

3rd prize (85 scores):

Tourists on the Move
Developed by M. Laukkanen, H. Helin, H. Laamanen (Sonera Corporation, Finland)

Nominations for the award:
can be placed either by the organisational board of the workshop (PC and chairs) concerning some regular paper submitted to the workshop, or via an explicit request for nomination sent by the author(s)/developer(s) to one of the co-chairs of the workshop. Each nominee is requested to demonstrate a running prototype of the nominated system at the workshop to all participants and the jury.
Request for nomination: Explicit request: Please send a brief description of a system of information agents (max. 4 pages, informal, including figures, references) in terms of its (1) core functionality, main techniques used, and (publicly available reference to) experimental results, and (2) the novel features of the system in comparison to other existing systems. Request via regular paper: If a regular paper submitted to the CIA 2002 workshop contains such a description it is eligible for nomination by the organisational board (chairs and PC members).
Former winners of CIA System Innovation Award:
CIA 2001:
(1) LEAP - Enabling FIPA agents on small devices. Developed by Federico Bergenti et al. (University of Parma, Italy),
(2) Towards efficient and reliable agent communication in wireless environments. Developed by  Heikki Helin et al. (Sonera Corporation, Finland)

CIA Best Paper Award 2002

This year's award is sponsored by Elsevier Science Publishers, The Netherlands   
Each paper submitted to the CIA 2002 workshop has been considered for nomination for the "CIA Best Paper Award" by the program committee.
According to the voting by the PC this year's winner of the award is

"Acquiring an Optimal Amount of Information for Choosing from Alternatives"
by Rina Azoulay-Schwartz and Sarit Kraus (Israel, USA)

Former winners of CIA Best Paper Award
CIA 2001 (Springer, LNAI vol. 2182): "Optimality and Risk in Purchase at Multiple Auctions" by Onn Shehory (IBM Research, Israel)

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