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Constraint Language

To start with we give an abstract definition of a constraint language. According to [Höhfeld and Smolka1988] a constraint tex2html_wrap_inline10669 is some piece of syntax constraining the values of the variables occurring in it, i.e., which denotes a set of assignments for these variables relative to a given interpretation.


The following definitions are all made with respect to some given constraint language.

A constraint tex2html_wrap_inline10669 is satisfiable if there exists at least one interpretation in which tex2html_wrap_inline10669 has a solution. A constraint tex2html_wrap_inline10669 is valid in an interpretation tex2html_wrap_inline10723 if every tex2html_wrap_inline10723 -assignment is a solution of tex2html_wrap_inline10669 in tex2html_wrap_inline10723 , i.e., if I = ASSI. An interpretation tex2html_wrap_inline10723 satisfies a constraint tex2html_wrap_inline10669 if tex2html_wrap_inline10669 is valid in tex2html_wrap_inline10723 . An interpretation is a model of a set tex2html_wrap_inline10739 of constraints if it satisfies every constraint in tex2html_wrap_inline10739 .

The subsumption preordering on sets of constraints and the corresponding equivalence relation is defined as follows (following the notation of [Dörre1993]):


A variable renaming is a bijection VAR tex2html_wrap_inline10637 VAR that is the identity except for finitely many exceptions. If tex2html_wrap_inline10761 is a renaming, a constraint tex2html_wrap_inline10763 is called a tex2html_wrap_inline10761 -variant of a constraint tex2html_wrap_inline10669 if


for every interpretation tex2html_wrap_inline10723 ( tex2html_wrap_inline10771 denotes the functional composition of both functions). A constraint tex2html_wrap_inline10763 is called a variant of a constraint tex2html_wrap_inline10669 if there exists a renaming tex2html_wrap_inline10761 such that tex2html_wrap_inline10763 is a tex2html_wrap_inline10761 -variant of tex2html_wrap_inline10669 . Note that renaming is homomorphic with respect to the subsumption relation, thus it does not affect the subsumption ordering of constraints (see proposition 2.2 in [Höhfeld and Smolka1988]).

A constraint language is closed under renaming if every constraint tex2html_wrap_inline10669 has a tex2html_wrap_inline10761 -variant for every renaming tex2html_wrap_inline10761 . A constraint is closed under intersection if for every two constraint tex2html_wrap_inline10669 and tex2html_wrap_inline10763 there exists a constraint tex2html_wrap_inline10795 such that I tex2html_wrap_inline10797 'I = I for every interpretation tex2html_wrap_inline10723 .

A constraint language is decidable if the satisfiability of its constraints is decidable. In section 3.2.2 we present a decidable constraint language.

A constraint language is compact if for every set of constraints tex2html_wrap_inline10739 holds: tex2html_wrap_inline10739 is satisfiable iff every finite subset of tex2html_wrap_inline10739 is satisfiable.

Before we present in section 3.2.2 the constraint language to be used in this thesis we present the relational extension of constraint languages.

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Guenter Neumann
Mon Oct 5 14:01:36 MET DST 1998