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Readable notation

In the following chapters, we make use of a more readable and simplified representation for -constraints. Using the matrix notation introduced for representing -constraints, we will often leave off the constraint in a definite clause, and instead replace the variables in the clause with the matrix notation of the constraint on those variables.

Thus instead of

tex2html_wrap_inline10651 ,
tex2html_wrap_inline10653 ,
tex2html_wrap_inline11507 ,
tex2html_wrap_inline11509 ,
tex2html_wrap_inline11511 ,

I write:

sign( tex2html_wrap_inline11339 syncats ) tex2html_wrap_inline11521
sign( tex2html_wrap_inline10997 syncatnp agrAgr ),

sign( tex2html_wrap_inline10999 syncatvp agrAgr )

In the case where variables occur only once I will omit them. Thus the above clause can also be written as:

sign( syncats ) tex2html_wrap_inline11521
sign( syncatnp agrAgr ),

sign( syncatvp agrAgr )

Guenter Neumann
Mon Oct 5 14:01:36 MET DST 1998