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A performance model based on uniform processing.

We are also interested in the uniform process as a basis for performance-oriented approaches like monitoring, revision, disambiguation or generation of paraphrases. We demonstrate that uniform grammatical processing increases the degree of flexibility of a natural language system, enabling it to select an utterance appropriate to the particular context. A suitable model of performance-oriented behaviour on the linguistic level is an interleaved approach to parsing and generation. We demonstrate that the uniform algorithm in combination with the item sharing method leads to a practical interleaved approach. In particular we present:

The performance model takes full advantage of the uniform tabular algorithm and the item sharing method. The combination of uniform processing of reversible grammars and performance-oriented strategies are carried out in an easy and elegant way. This means that we are not only able to show - for the first time - that efficient uniform processing of reversible grammars is possible but also that systematic pursuit of uniformity in natural language processing - as followed in this thesis - achieves the necessary preconditions for a practical interleaving of parsing and generation.

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Guenter Neumann
Mon Oct 5 14:01:36 MET DST 1998