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Home Alone: Autonomous Extension and Correction of Spatial Representations

Nick Hawes; Marc Hanheide; Jack Hargreaves; Ben Page; Hendrik Zender; Patric Jensfelt
In: Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA-2011), May 9-13, Shanghai, China, IEEE, 5/2011.


In this paper we present an account of the problems faced by a mobile robot given an incomplete tour of an unknown environment, and introduce a collection of techniques which can generate successful behaviour even in the presence of such problems. Underlying our approach is the principle that an autonomous system must be motivated to act to gather new knowledge, and to validate and correct existing knowledge. This principle is embodied in Dora, a mobile robot which features the aforementioned techniques: shared representations, non-monotonic reasoning, and goal generation and management. To demonstrate how well this collection of techniques work in real-world situations we present a comprehensive analysis of the Dora system's performance over multiple tours in an indoor environment. In this analysis Dora successfully completed 18 of 21 attempted runs, with all but 3 of these successes requiring one or more of the integrated techniques to recover from problems.


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