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  1. Harold Boley; Bernd Bachmann; Christian Blum; Christian Embacher; Anderas Lorenz; Jamel Zakraoui

    PIMaS: Ein objektorientiert-regelbasiertes System zur Produkt-Prozeß-Transformation

    DFKI, DFKI Documents (D), Vol. 97-07, 1997.

  2. Harold Boley; Andreas Abecker; Knut Hinkelmann; Otto Kühn; Manfred Meyer; Harald Meyer auf'm Hofe; Franz Schmalhofer; Holger Wache

    VEGA Knowledge Validation and Exploration by Global Analysis

    DFKI GmbH, DFKI Final Reports (FR), Vol. 97-01, 1997.

  3. Harold Boley

    Knowledge Bases in the World Wide Web: A Challenge for Logic Programming

    (Second, Revised Edition), DFKI, DFKI Technical Memos (TM), Vol. 96-02, 1996.

  4. Andreas Abecker; Harold Boley; Knut Hinkelmann; Holger Wache; Franz Schmalhofer

    An Environment for Exploring and Validating Declarative Knowledge

    DFKI, DFKI Technical Memos (TM), Vol. 95-03, 1995.

  5. Harold Boley

    Finite Domains and Exclusions as First-Class Citizens

    DFKI, DFKI Research Reports (RR), Vol. 94-07, 1994.

  6. Harold Boley; Ulrich Buhrmann; Christof Kremer

    Towards a Sharable Knowledge Base on Recyclable Plastics

    DFKI, DFKI Research Reports (RR), Vol. 94-14, 1994.

  7. Harold Boley; Klaus Elsbernd; Michael Herfert; Michael Sintek; Werner Stein

    RELFUN Guide: Programming with Relations and Functions Made Easy

    DFKI, DFKI Documents (D), Vol. 93-12, 1993.

  8. Harold Boley; Philipp Hanschke; Knut Hinkelmann; Manfred Meyer

    CoLab: A Hybrid Knowledge Representation and Compilation Laboratory

    DFKI, DFKI Research Reports (RR), Vol. 93-08, 1993.

  9. Harold Boley; François Bry; Ulrich Geske (Hrsg.)

    Neuere Entwicklungen der deklarativen KI-Programmierung -Proceedings

    DFKI, DFKI Research Reports (RR), Vol. 93-35, 1993.

  10. Harold Boley; Ulrich Buhrmann; Christof Kremer

    Konzeption einer deklarativen Wissensbasis über recyclingrelevante Materialien

    DFKI, DFKI Technical Memos (TM), Vol. 93-03, 1993.