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Learning SQL Programming with Interactive Tools: From Integration to Personalization.

P. Brusilovsky; Sergey Sosnovsky; D. Lee; M. Yudelson; V. Zadorozhny; X. Zhou
In: ACM Transactions on Computing Education, Vol. 9, No. 4, Pages 1-15, ACM Press, New York, NY, USA, 1/2010.


Rich, interactive eLearning tools receive a lot of attention nowadays from both practitioners and researchers. However, broader dissemination of these tools is hindered by the technical difficulties of their integration into existing platforms. This article explores the technical and conceptual problems of using several interactive educational tools in the context of a single course. It presents an integrated Exploratorium for database courses, an experimental platform, which provides personalized access to several types of interactive learning activities. Several classroom studies of the Exploratorium have demonstrated its value in both the integration of several tools and the provision of personalized access.