[Rock-dev] Discussion about fault response tables

Sylvain Joyeux sylvain.joyeux at dfki.de
Tue May 7 16:37:37 CEST 2013

On 05/07/2013 04:28 PM, Chris Mueller wrote:
> Am 07.05.2013 15:58, schrieb Sylvain Joyeux:
>> In other words, the events are for nominal things, the exceptions for
>> errors. This starts to appear at this level as well: the state machine
>> are for nominal things, the fault responses for errors.
> Only a general question: Is it necessary in this case a FAULT_MATCHER is
> also handling
> events? (Or can this be left over to the Statemachine / Action Interface).
FAULT_MATCHER does not handle events. It handles errors that are 
originating from a particular event.

The handler

   on_fault TaskModel.fault_event do

will *not* trigger for every emitted 'fault' event. Only for the ones 
that are actually faults.
Sylvain Joyeux (Dr.Ing.)
Space & Security Robotics

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