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Zeige Ergebnisse 1 bis 2 von 2.
  1. dAIEDGE – A network of excellence for distributed, trustworthy, efficient and scalable AI at the Edge

    dAIEDGE – A network of excellence for distributed, trustworthy, efficient and scalable AI at the Edge

    The dAIEDGE Network of Excellence (NoE) seeks to strengthen and support the development of the dynamic European cutting-edge AI ecosystem under the umbrella of the European AI Lighthourse and to sista

  2. FLUENTLY – Fluently - the essence of human-robot interaction

    FLUENTLY – Fluently - the essence of human-robot interaction

    Fluently leverages the latest advancements in AI-driven decision-making process to achieve true social collaboration between humans and machines while matching extremely dynamic manufacturing contexts