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Generation of Floor Plan Variations with Convolutional Neural Networks and Case-based Reasoning

Viktor Eisenstadt; Christoph Langenhan; Klaus-Dieter Althoff
In: José Pedro Sousa; Goncalo Castro Henriques; Joao Pedro Xavier (Hrsg.). Architecture in the age of the 4th industrial revolution - eCAADe SIGraDi 2019. eCAADe and SIGraDi Conference, Architecture in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution, September 11-13, Porto, Portugal, Pages 79-84, Vol. 2, ISBN 978-94-91207-18-1, eCAADe SIGraDi FAUP, Porto, 2019.


We present an approach for computer-aided generation of different variations of floor plans during the early phases of conceptual design in architecture. The early design phases are mostly characterized by the processes of inspiration gaining and search for contextual help in order to improve the building design at hand. The generation method described in this work uses the novel as well as established artificial intelligence methods, namely, generative adversarial nets and case-based reasoning, for creation of possible evolutions of the current design based on the most similar previous designs. The main goal of this approach is to provide the designer with information on how the current floor plan can evolve over time in order to influence the direction of the design process. The work described in this paper is part of the methodology FLEA (Find, Learn, Explain, Adapt) whose task is to provide a holistic structure for support of the early conceptual phases in architecture. The approach is implemented as the adaptation component of the framework MetisCBR that is based on FLEA.

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