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A generic product and resource description to enable capability matchmaking for Production as a Service

Jesko Hermann; Pascal Rübel; Achim Wagner; Martin Ruskowski
In: IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 53, No. 2, Pages 10899-10904, IFAC, 2020.


The shift from mass production to mass customization and product personalization has a strong impact on the manufacturing industry. The production of small lot sizes or completely individualized products on large scale remains a challenge for the manufacturing companies. Concepts such as âtexteurooeProduction as a Serviceâtexteuro promise a more efficient manufacturing of small lot-sizes while making better use of existing production resources. In a world where different products will compete for the same resources alternative process chains gain in importance to achieve a global optimum in manufacturing. This paper reviews existing approaches for a generic description of products and the matching of product and manufacturing resources allowing for the generation of alternative process chains. Based on the findings product and resource are described and a matching approach is outlined.