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Visual Computing as a Key Enabling Technology for Industrie 4.0 and Industrial Internet

Jorge Posada; Carlos Toro; Iñigo Barandiaran; David Oyarzun; Didier Stricker; Raffaele de Amicis; Eduardo B Pinto; Peter Eisert; Jurgen Dollner; Ivan Vallarino
In: Kwan-Liu Ma; Michael J. Potel; Pak Chung Wong. Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE. Pages 26-40, Vol. 35, IEEE, 3/2015.


Abstract—We present in this paper a comprehensive view of the important role of Visual Computing as Key EnablingTechnology in the materialization of the different global visions of new generation of ICT solutions in Manufacturing and Industry in general. A worldwide trend in advanced manufacturing countries is defining Industrie 4.0, Industrial Internet and Factories of the Future as a new wave that can revolutionize the production and its associated services, based on the emergence of the Internet of Things and Services in the factory, allowing the configuration of Cyber-Physical Systems in combination with other key technologies. Visual Computing plays an important role as “glue factor” in complete solutions.