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  1. Marc Schröder; Hannes Pirker; Myriam Lamolle; Felix Burkhardt; Christian Peter; Enrico Zovato

    Representing emotions and related states in technological systems

    In: Paolo Petta; Roddy Cowie; Catherine Pelachaud (Hrsg.). Emotion-Oriented Systems - The Humaine Handbook. Pages 367-386, Springer, 2011.

  2. Marc Schröder; Felix Burkhardt; Sacha Krstulović

    Synthesis of emotional speech

    In: Klaus R. Scherer; Tanja Bänziger; Etienne B. Roesch (Hrsg.). Blueprint for Affective Computing. Pages 222-231, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2010.

  3. Marc Schröder

    Expressive Speech Synthesis: Past, Present, and Possible Futures

    In: Jianhua Tao; Tieniu Tan. Affective Information Processing. Pages 111-126, Springer, London, 2009.

  4. Marc Schröder

    Approaches to emotional expressivity in synthetic speech

    In: Krzysztof Izdebski (Hrsg.). Emotions in the Human Voice: Culture and Perception. Pages 307-321, Vol. III, Plural Publishing, San Diego, CA, 2008.