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Zeige Ergebnisse 31 bis 40 von 500.
  1. Babak Ahmadi; Kristian Kersting; Martin Mladenov; Sriraam Natarajan

    Exploiting symmetries for scaling loopy belief propagation and relational training

    In: Machine Learning, Vol. 92, No. 1, Pages 91-132, Springer, 2013.

  2. Malte Bergmann; Bianca Herlo; Jennifer Schubert; Andreas Unteidig

    Community Infrastructure - Designwerkzeuge zur partizipatorischen Stadtgestaltung

    In: Bastian Lange; Gottfried Prasenc; Harald Saico (Hrsg.). Ortsentwürfe. Urbanität im 21. Jahrhundert. Pages 62-67, ISBN 978-3-86859-229-0, Jovis Verlag, Berlin, 7/2013.

  3. Gesche Joost; Tom Bieling; Florian Sametinger

    Social Dimensions of Design Research


  4. Gesche Joost; Anne Wohlauf; Matthias Löwe; Fabian Hemmert

    Animate Mobiles: Proxemically Reactive Posture Actuation as a Means of Relational Interaction with Mobile Phones

    In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction. International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI-13), February 10-13, Barcelona, Spain, ISBN 978-1-4503-1898-3, ACM, New York, NY, 2013.

  5. Andreas Unteidig; Florian Sametinger; Jennifer Schubert; Gesche Joost

    Neighborhood Labs: Building urban communities through civic engagement


  6. Vinzenz Bargsten; Pablo Zometa; Rolf Findeisen

    Modeling, parameter identification and model-based control of a lightweight robotic manipulator

    In: 2013 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications. IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA-2013), August 28-30, Hyderabad, India, Pages 134-139, ISBN 978-1-4799-1559-0, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 8/2013.

  7. Muhammad Afzal; M. Kraemer; Syed Saqib Bukhari; Faisal Shafait; Thomas Breuel

    Robust Binarization of Stereo and Monocular Document Images Using Percentile Filter

    In: 5th International Workshop on Camera-Based Document Analysis and Recognition, CBDAR 2013, Washungton, DC, USA, August 2013. International Workshop on Camera-Based Document Analysis and Recognition (CBDAR-2013), August 23, Washington, DC, USA, Springer, 2013.

  8. Syed Saqib Bukhari; H. S. M. Al-Khaffaf; Faisal Shafait; M. A. Osma; A. Z. Talib; Thomas Breuel

    Final Report of GREC’13 Arc and Line Segmentation Contest

    In: 10th IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition. IAPR International Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC-2013), August 20-21, Bethlehem, PA, Springer, 2013.

  9. Syed Saqib Bukhari; Faisal Shafait; Thomas Breuel

    Towards Generic Text-Line Extraction

    In: 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, ICDAR’13, Washungton, DC, USA, August 2013. International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR-2013), August 25-28, Washington, DC, USA, IEEE, 2013.