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Zeige Ergebnisse 1 bis 10 von 802.
  1. Shubham Vyas; Marko Jankovic; Frank Kirchner

    Momentum based classification for robotic active debris removal

    In: Journal of Space Safety Engineering (JSSE), Vol. 9, No. 4, Pages 649-655, Elsevier, 2022.

  2. Judith Bütefür; Elsa Andrea Kirchner

    Influence between Motor Learning and Cognitive Workload in Microgravity.

    In: 4th International Technology Transfer Exhibition and Conference "New Space Economy (NSE)". International Technology Transfer Exhibition and Conference "New Space Economy (NSE)" (NSE-2022), November 30 - December 2, Rome, Italy, 11/2022.

  3. Julia Habenicht; Elsa Andrea Kirchner

    Serious Games as a Training Method for Fine Motor Movements in Microgravity.

    In: 4th International Technology Transfer Exhibition and Conference "New Space Economy (NSE)". International Technology Transfer Exhibition and Conference "New Space Economy (NSE)" (NSE-2022), November 30 - December 2, Rome, Italy, 2022.

  4. Insa Reichow; Katja Buntins; Benjamin Paaßen; Hasan Abu-Rasheed; Christian Weber; Mareike Dornhöfer

    Recommendersysteme in der beruflichen Weiterbildung. Grundlagen, Herausforderungen und Handlungsempfehlungen

    Ein Dossier im Rahmen des INVITE-Wettbewerbs, Berlin, 5/2022.

  5. A Bayesian Approach to Context-based Recognition of Human Intention for Context-Adaptive Robot Assistance in Space Missions

    In: Proceedings of SpaceCHI 2.0 - Human-Computer Interaction for Space Exploration - A Workshop at CHI 2022. SpaceCHI 2.0: Human-Computer Interaction for Space Exploration (SpaceCHI 2.0-2022), located at ACM CHI 2022, May 1 -1, New Orleans, LA, USA, ACM, 5/2022.

  6. Sören Tempel; Vladimir Herdt; Rolf Drechsler

    Towards Quantification and Visualization of the Effects of Concretization during Concolic Testing

    In: IEEE Embedded Systems Letters (ESL), IEEE, 2022.

  7. Why only Micro-F1? Class Weighting of Metrics for Relation Classification

    In: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Efficient Benchmarking in NLP. Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-2022), May 22-27, Dublin, Ireland, Association for Computational Linguistics, 5/2022.

  8. Gesundheit im Zeitalter der Plattformökonomie

    In: Jens Baas (Hrsg.). Gesundheit im Zeitalter der Plattformökonomie. Chapter II-6, Pages 126-135, Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Vertragsgesellschaft, Berlin, 4/2022.

  9. Marc Manz; Sebastian Bartsch; Romain Caujolle; Torsten Vogel; Mark Shilton; Elie Allouis; Stefan Gornig; Francisco Javier Colmenero; Sebastian Torralbo; Marko Jankovic; Wiebke Brinkmann; Isabel Soto; Gonzalo Guerra; Daniel Silveira; Serra Carolina; Björn Ordoubadian; Eric Bertels; Jeremi Gancet; Pierre Letier; Manfred Doermer; Stephane Estable

    Robotic Architecture and Operational Concept for In-Space Assembly and Servicing Missions

    In: 16th Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation. ESA/Estec Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation (ASTRA-2022), June 1-2, Noordwijk, Netherlands, ESA Publications Division-ESTEC, Noordwijk, 5/2022.

  10. Adversarial Deep Feature Extraction Network for User Independent Human Activity Recognition

    In: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom). IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom-2022), March 21-25, Pisa, Italy, Pages 217-226, IEEE, 2022.