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Zeige Ergebnisse 1 bis 10 von 171
  1. Klaus-Dieter Althoff; Frank Bomarius; Carsten Tautz

    Knowledge Management for Building Learning Software Organizations

    In: Information Systems Frontiers (ISF), Vol. 2, No. 3-4, Pages 349-367, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.

  2. Tim Menzies; Klaus-Dieter Althoff; Yannis Kalfoglou; Enrico Motta


    In: International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE), Vol. 10, No. 4, Pages 549-555, World Scientific, 2000.

  3. Yannis Kalfoglou; Tim Menzies; Klaus-Dieter Althoff; Enrico Motta

    Meta-knowledge in systems design: panacea … or undelivered promise?

    In: Knowledge Engineering Review (KER), Vol. 15, No. 4, Pages 381-404, Cambridge University Press, 12/2000.

  4. Kristian Kersting; Luc De Raedt

    Bayesian Logic Programs

    In: James Cussens; Alan M. Frisch (Hrsg.). Inductive Logic Programming, 10th International Conference. International Conference on Inductive Logic …

  5. Jürgen Lind

    Specifying Agent Interaction Protocols with UML Activity Diagrams

    DFKI, DFKI Technical Memos (TM), Vol. 00-01, 2000.

  6. Rolf-Hendrik van Lengen

    Visualisation and Debugging Complex Systems


  7. Hans Hagen; Henning Barthel; Achim Ebert; Andreas Divivier; Michael Bender

    MacVis - A System Architecture for Intelligent Component-based Visualization

    In: Proceedings Workshop on New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation. Workshop on New Paradigms in Information Visualization and …

  8. Adapting HPSG-to-TAG compilation to wide-coverage grammars

    In: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Tree-Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (TAG+5). Colloque International sur les Grammaires …

  9. An extended architecture for robust generation

    In: Proceedings of INLG 2000, Mitzpe Ramon, Israel. International Natural Language Generation Conference (INLG), 2000.

  10. Anne Kilger; Peter Poller

    CDL--TAGs: A grammar formalism for flexible and efficient syntactic generation

    In: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (TAG+5). Colloque International sur les Grammaires …