Multi-touch - emerging Trends in Technolgy and Interaction


In the seminar we will dive into the young field of multi-touch technologies and user interfaces. Interacting through gestures with fingers or hands requires new interaction concepts and user interfaces. We will discuss if the mouse and keyboard (WIMP) has to be overcome and if there is a need for other, more natural forms of interaction between humans and computers.

If you have any questions write an email to:

florian.daiber (at)


Multi-touch Seminar - Summer term 2010

„People shouldn‘t have to read a manual to open a door, even if it is only one word long (push/pull).“ - Don Norman

The seminar is fully booked! Please notice that this is only a pre-registration and you‘ll have to attend the first meeting to finally sign-up for the seminar. So there‘s a waiting list. To get on the waiting list just write an email.

The seminar is fully booked! Please notice that this is only a pre-registration and you‘ll have to attend the first meeting to finally sign-up for the seminar. So there‘s a waiting list. To get on the waiting list just write an email.

The first meeting takes place april 20th 10:00 am. Seminar room is 0.16 (computer science department building).

The seminar started! Infos about the seminar see below...



Part 1: Tracking

Capacitive Tracking (handout, presentation, report)

Resistive Tracking (handout, presentation, report)

Optical Tracking (handout, presentation, report)

Optical Tracking 2 (handout, presentation)

Other Tracking Technologies  (handout, presentation, report)

Part 2: Devices

Tabs (handout, presentation, report)

Pads (handout, presentation, report)

Boards (handout, presentation, report)

Part 3: Interaction

History of HCI (handout, presentation, report)

Gestural (touch) interfaces (handout, report)

Multi-touch (gestural) interaction (handout, presentation, report)

Multi-touch widgets (handout, presentation, report)

Multi-touch and security

Interaction and physics (handout, presentation)

Tangible Interaction 1 (handout, presentation, report)

Tangible Interaction 2 (handout, presentation, report)

Multi-modal interaction 1 (handout, presentation, report)

Multi-modal interaction 2 (handout, presentation, report)

Part 4: Collaboration

Collaboration around large displays (handout, presentation)

Collaborative gestures (handout, presentation, report)

Interaction with public displays

Multi-User Mult-touch Interaction (handout, presentation, report)

Part 5: Multi-touch and 3D

Multi-touch 3D Interaction 1 (handout, presentation, report)

Multi-touch 3D Interaction 2

Talks & Reports