CIA-2001: Topics & Important Dates

Important Dates

Submission of Papers: April 22, 2001 (Extended Deadline!)
Notification about Acceptance: June 15, 2001
Camera-Ready Papers: June 22, 2001

Information agent technology is one of the major key technologies for the Internet and worldwide Web.
An information agent is a computational software entity that has access to one or multiple, heterogeneous and distributed information sources, pro-actively searches for and maintains relevant information on behalf of users or other agents preferably just-in-time. In other words, it is managing and overcoming the difficulties associated with information overload in the open and exponentially growing Internet and Web.
Although low-level infrastructure has been developed to support interoperability between heterogeneous databases and application programs, this is not sufficient when dealing with higher-level object organizations such as vertical business object frameworks and workflows. Existing multi-database or federated database systems do not support any kind of pro-active information discovery. One key challenge of advanced information systems is to balance the autonomy of databases and legacy systems with the potential payoff of leveraging them by the use of information agents to perform collaborative work.
Development of information agents requires expertise from different research disciplines such as Artificial Intelligence (AI),  advanced databases and knowledge base systems, distributed information systems, adaptive information retrieval, and Human Computer Interaction (HCI).

Like in the previous CIA workshops, all hot topics in the research area of intelligent and collaborating information agents are covered by the CIA-2001 workshop.

Topics are (but not limited to)


The proceedings of the CIA workshop series are published as volumes in the Springer series of
Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence (CIA-97: LNAI 1202, CIA-98: LNAI 1435, CIA-99: LNAI 1652, CIA-2000: LNAI 1860)
The proceedings of the workshop will be available at the workshop.

Preparation of Papers

The length of each paper should not exceed 12 pages. All papers must be written in English. Submissions will be reviewed for quality, correctness, originality and relevance. Papers accepted or under review by other conferences, workshops or journals are not acceptable. Papers not conforming to the above requirements may be rejected without review.

For preparation of camera-ready papers to be submitted please follow the instructions for authors available at the Springer LNCS Web page:

For those not using the Springer LNCS style files: The paper must be formatted in A4 size using 10 point Times. (If Times is not available, please use one of the similar fonts widely used in phototypesetting.) Printing area should be 12.2 x 19.3 cm, and the interline distance should be arranged in such a way that some 42 to 45 lines occur on a full-text page.

Submission of Papers

Each submission includes the full paper (title, authors, abstract, text), and in addition a separate title page with the title, a 300-400 word abstract, a list of keywords, authors (names, addresses, email addresses, telephone and fax numbers).
You may submit your paper by Electronic Mail or Postal Mail.


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