Special Interest Group on Intelligent Information Agents

Fifth Meeting

February 22 - 23, 2001
Amsterdam, Netherlands

I2A SIG Homepage


The I2A SIG meeting will be held from February 22 to 23, 2001, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, at the University of Amsterdam.
It will be co-located with the meeting of the

All meetings will be in parallel and last full 2 days. A fourth one is being decided.
The organization of the first AgentLink 2 meeting is as follows:
Feb 22: AgentLink II plenary day.
Feb 23: Special SIG meetings in parallel.

Address of the meeting venue:

Plantage Muidergracht, Building 12, Room MC 2
Roeterseiland Complex
University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

A Map of Location can be found here.


A preliminary schedule is available.

Goals of the 5th I2A SIG meeting:

  1. Foster relationships to and proceed joint work with our partners in academia, industry and standardization orgs
  2. Update of latest results in the European I2A domain
  3. Discussion about I2A SIG objectives and activities in Agentlink II until 2003
  4. Establishment of new working group on Adaptive Information Agents (AIA WG) chaired by Pete Edwards (University of Aberdeen, UK)

Information on available hotels in Amsterdam is given here. It is strongly recommended to book as early as possible.


Participation in this SIG meeting is by invitation only, i.e., participation has to be confirmed by the SIG co-ordinator or working group chairs. If you are interested in participating please send a short message including

            - Participation in the panel 'Industry and AgentLink'.
                We strongly encourage attendees from industry to come and participate here in order to have
                a better orientation of the activities within AgentLink II.
            - Presentation of a progress R&D report of your group/org/company in the I2A domain (pls send title & abstract).
            - Only attendant.

Please check the list of confirmed participants


List of funded participants for this meeting approved by AgentLink 2.

Funding is possible for up to 12 persons according to following constraints

The maximum support that AgentLink 2 can offer is 600,- EUR per person. All claims over this figure will be covered with 600,- EUR.
AgentLink (AL) will fund a *maximum* of one person from each AL member node to attend *each* SIG meeting, provided that these people are *actively participating* (e.g. by presenting something). Note that travel support will *only* be available to AL members actively participating in the SIG: you may check the members list here Please indicate your need to be funded by email or mail (see address above). You will be notified on acceptance or rejection of your claim for travel funding by email as soon as possible.


Dr. Matthias Klusch
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
Building NB, Room +1.26
Phone +49-681-302-5297 (office), +49-681-8317676 (private)
Fax +49-681-302-2235 (office), +49-681-8317676 (private)
EMail: klusch@dfki.de

I2A SIG Homepage