DOME-IoT Workshop

Call for Participation

A PDF version of the call is available.

A text version of the call is also available.

Format and Submission Guidelines

We accept two types of submissions to DOME-IoT 2010: Position statements which must not exceed 2 pages and technical papers as well as descriptions of design studies which must not exceed 6 pages (2-column ACM SIG format each). Both types of submissions have equal chances of being accepted. All accepted submissions will be distributed to the workshop participants on site and will be published on the workshop's website. We additionally plan to publish high-quality technical papers and descriptions of design studies in a special journal issue after the workshop.

Detailed format instructions including style templates for MS Word and LaTex can be found at the ACM SIG Proceedings Templates website.

Submissions to DOME-IoT 2010 have to be made via the easychair conference system. You can use this direct link or the 'submission' box on the upper right corner of the website to access the submission system.


Email Organizers

dome-workshop [at]

Primary Mail Contact

Michael Schneider, DFKI
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
D-66123 Saarbrucken, Germany


DOME-IoT 2010 was held at Copenhagen, Denmark on September 26, 2010 in conjunction with Ubicomp 2010.

Ubicomp 2010 conference