NOMe-IoT 2011 Workshop

NEW: Workshop Program is online

NOMe-IoT 2011

Following the prognosis that predicts 50 to 100 billion of Internet connected things by 2020, we are now at the cross section of a paradigm shift and observing the metamorphosis that everyday things are going through - from things that learned-to-do to things that are learning–to-think to things that will learn-to-perceive (sense and response). The Internet of Things (IoT) technology is at the heart of this metamorphosis, and is rapidly gaining global attention from academia, industries, and governments. Manifold definitions of IoT trace back to the ITU vision, and also available from European Commission. In general, the IoT concept allows bidirectional communications among device, network, and backend data centers. It covers a wide scope of technologies including wireless/wired sensing, networking, computing and control, which together build feasible complex cyber physical systems (CPS) to support diverse applications, including smart grid, healthcare, intelligent transportation, and logistics, etc. An integral part of IoT systems is object memories, comprise hardware and software components that physically and/or conceptually associate digital information with real-world objects in an application-independent manner. Such information can take many different forms (structured data and documents, pictures, audio/video streams, etc.) and originate from a variety of sources (automated processes, sensors in the environment, users, etc.). If constantly updated, Digital Object Memories over time provide a meaningful record of an object's history and use.

NOMe-IoT seeks to provide a foundation for discussing these challenges and to layout the future roadmap for IoT research. NOMe-IoT is the successor of two two successful workshop series, DIPSO/DOMe-IoT 2007-10 in conjunction with UbiComp 2007-10. By bringing in several system and networking experts from academia and industry, this year's event extends the workshop's scope and aims to provide a forum to discuss and exchange ideas on recent research work, point out the directions for future research, and seek collaboration opportunities on all aspects of the IoT Systems.

See also our predecessor workshops:


Email Organizers

dome-workshop [at]


NOMe-IoT 2011 is held at Beijing, China on September 18, 2011 in conjunction with Ubicomp 2011.

Ubicomp 2011 conference