[mary-dev] Emospeak in Dutch

Marc Schroeder marc.schroeder at dfki.de
Tue Aug 24 08:14:46 CEST 2010

Hello Maarten,

you would be facing a considerable amount of work:

* create the text processing components for Dutch;
* record the voice.

If you really want to record a diphone voice, check out the MBROLA 
project, I think they provide some documentation how to record voices. 
In a nutshell, for every diphone in the language, you need to record a 
nonsense word containing that diphone in its middle (not initial or 
final), to be spoken at flat pitch. For the three levels of vocal 
effort, what we did at the time for de6 and de7 was to record the entire 
diphone set with the given speaker three times, with phonetic experts 
constantly verifying that the vocal effort was maintained as intended.

We will release MARY 4.1 soon, which will have some control over prosody 
for HMM-based voices. It will be an interesting experiment to see how 
these fare with EmoSpeak. Should that work to some extent, you could 
consider recording an HMM-based voice for Dutch...

... but don't underestimate the effort and the expertise needed.

Best regards,

On 23.08.10 19:16, Maarten Van Overveldt wrote:
> Dear Mary Developpers
> For an application we are building we want to use the Emospeak
> application. Because we use the principle of Leary's Rose
> (http://www.testjegedrag.nl/tjg/zelftest/engels/index.htm) the emotion
> selection in emospeak is excellent because it's almost the same.Only one
> problem, we want the make it in Dutch. Because there are now databases
> for the Emospeak diphone system in Dutch, we probable have to make it
> ourselves. On the MARY site there is a lot of support for making a unit
> selection or HMM system but not for diphone synthesis. Is It difficult
> to make an Emospeak database in Dutch, with the 3 different vocal
> efforts? What are the steps I have to take?
> Kind regards
> Maarten Van Overveldt
> --
> Maarten Van overveldt
> Steenbergstraat 27
> 2000 Antwerpen
> 0486644410
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Dr. Marc Schröder, Senior Researcher at DFKI GmbH
Coordinator EU FP7 Project SEMAINE http://www.semaine-project.eu
Project leader for DFKI in SSPNet http://sspnet.eu
Project leader PAVOQUE http://mary.dfki.de/pavoque
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Portal Editor http://emotion-research.net
Team Leader DFKI TTS Group http://mary.dfki.de

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