[mary-users] HTK not patched with HTS

fxavier at ircam.fr fxavier at ircam.fr
Tue Jul 12 15:31:12 CEST 2011

Dear all,

I encouter a strange error while running the
check_install_external_programs.sh -check.

I previsously ran the check_install_external_programs.sh -install,
downloaded HTK 3.4.1, HDecode 3.4.1 and HTS 2.1.1 for HTK 3.4.1.
After doing what it takes to install HTK and patch it with HTS, I run the
check_install_external_programs.sh -check. Everything is ok except:

HTK HHEd exists
HTK version: 3.4.1
HTK is installed but it seems not patched with HTS, because HHEd does not
have command CM.
HTK and HDecode have to be dowloaded, patched with HTS and compiled again
HTK patched with HTS is not installed

However HTS is properly patched with HTK (moved the patch to htk
directory, then ran:

patch -p1 -d . < HTS-2.1.1_for_HTK-3.4.1.patch
make install

This could be the reason why when running the newvoiceimport tools,
ehmmlabeler, the process only takes about 15 mn, everything seems to be ok
according to the log.txt (features files are created), except the .lab
that dont exist. Indeed, /lab directory is completely empty...

Thanks in advance for your help,


Florent XAVIER
Internship at Telecom Paristech
M2 ATIAM - UPMC/Ircam/Telecom Paristech
ING 5 - ECE Paris
firstname [dot] lastname [at] ircam [dot] fr
firstname [dot] lastname [at] telecom-paristech [dot] fr
tel:  + 33( 6 ) . 67 . 64 . 23 . 08

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