[mary-users] Phonemes Times issues with MaryTTS.

Ricardo Duarte ricardo.lpd at gmail.com
Thu Apr 25 16:45:16 CEST 2013

Hi all,

I use MaryTTS with a coarticulation solution, which works fine unless i
have paragraphs in the input sentences.

I am using this input text from another application to maryTTS:
Achilles picked up his sword and shield, and wore his armour. Afterwards,
he left his tent, heading for the battlefield. There, he attacked Hector
and killed him. Achilles picked up Hector’s body, returned to the Greek
camp and dropped Hector’s body. He picked up Patroklus’ body and walked to
the beach. There, Achilles prepared for Patroclus’ funeral, and then
performed it. He returned to his tent, where Priam was waiting and, after a
discussion, Achilles allowed Priam to take Hector’s body.

The input works fine if i remove the " . " (period sign) from the sentences
but if i include the period signs, a few issues occur.

- My application currently sends two requests to handle such input, an
accoustparams and an audio request. In the accoustparams which i included
below as a sample:

                        <t accent="!H*" g2p_method="lexicon" ph="' A - r m
r=" pos="NN">
                            <syllable accent="!H*" ph="A" stress="1">
                                <ph d="79" end="3.1326256"
f0="(0,98)(50,102)(100,84)" p="A"
                                    units="A_L w0241 38263 0.033; A_R w0241
38264 0.0464375" />
                            <syllable ph="r m r=">
                                <ph d="23" end="3.1557505" f0="(0,84)" p="r"
                                    units="r_L w0241 38265 0.01225; r_R
w0354 51308 0.010875" />
                                <ph d="23" end="3.178313" p="m"
                                    units="m_L w0354 51309 0.0111875; m_R
w0354 51310 0.011375" />
                                <ph d="92" end="3.2703755"
f0="(50,103)(100,103)" p="r="
                                    units="r=_L w0354 51311 0.0120625; r=_R
w0471 62522 0.08" />
                        <t pos=".">
                        <boundary breakindex="5" duration="200" tone="L-L%"
                            units="__L w0471 62523 0.2" />
                <prosody pitch="+3%" range="+15%">
                        <t g2p_method="lexicon" ph="' { f - t r= - w r= d
z" pos="RB">
                            <syllable ph="{ f" stress="1">
                                <ph d="111" end="0.11131249"
f0="(0,96)(50,119)(100,112)" p="{"
                                    units="{_L w0569 71473 0.0515625; {_R
w0569 71474 0.05975" />
                                <ph d="50" end="0.16131249" p="f"
                                    units="f_L w0569 71475 0.02; f_R w0569
71476 0.03" />

Once a new sentence is created maryTTS does not give a pause time between
the last phoneme of the sentence " r= " the final " <t> . </t> " so when I
attempt to add the end time of the phoneme " r= " to the phoneme " {" it
goes outof sync slightly and this sync issue grows with amount paragraphs
in my input text.

- I have had a look at realised_durations to get the end result but
strangely realised durations gives different phomenes durations and end
times for the same input text.

My questions are;
- Is there a fixed duration for tokens with " . " or ", " in the xml for
realised acoust_params if not how can i know how long will the pause be
between each new <s> tag (sentence)?

- Why is the output from realised_durations different from the xml, is this
expected? wont it cause to be slightly off-sync when i used the audio?

- which format provides the best sync times with audio,
realised_acoustparams or realised_durations?

The full output are in this links:

xml: http://ricardoduarte.co.uk/marytts/output/output_with_periods.xml


Sorry for the long post but this is really bugging me.


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