[Rock-dev] Rock Performances on Gumstix

Chris Mueller christoph.mueller at dfki.de
Mon Aug 20 16:44:17 CEST 2012

Hi Alex,

i'm currently playing with the proxy branch and there is a small 
incompability problem again for ruby1.9.

require 'ping' results in a LoadError, because it seems to be removed 
from ruby1.9 standard library.

I have made a fast fix similar to the following article to get it work:

In my case its unfortanetely not working with the task inspector. The 
first ten seconds the task is in the INITIALIZING step, After that it 
seems he catched the interface for a short time (checkbox pops up in the 
property field),
but it keep blocking afterwards. After a few seconds it disappears 
again. No State information are shown in the value field.

On the console i get the following warnings:
rocos[WARN]: ReaderWriterProxy: error while proxing the port 
camera_usb_deployment.frame: CORBA transient exception
Orocos[WARN]: ReaderWriterProxy: error while proxing the port 
camera_usb_deployment.frame: CORBA transient exception
Orocos[WARN]: ReaderWriterProxy for port camera_usb_deployment.frame: 
ignoring method read because port is not reachable.
Orocos[WARN]: ReaderWriterProxy: error while proxing the port 
camera_usb_deployment.frame_raw: CORBA transient exception
Orocos[WARN]: ReaderWriterProxy: error while proxing the port 
camera_usb_deployment.frame_raw: CORBA transient exception

Currently maybe not so important: but with a cable connection it works 


On 15.08.2012 19:29, Alexander Duda wrote:
> On 08/15/2012 05:08 PM, Chris Mueller wrote:
>> On 15.08.2012 14:27, Alexander Duda wrote:
>>>> gui/vizkit => port_proxy
>>>> tools/orocos.rb => experimental
>>> Which repositories do i need to switch its branches? I have currently
>>> You have to switch vitkit and orocos.rb to proxy (not port_proxy)
>>> Alex
>> Are these changes currently compatible with ruby 1.9? Or did i miss
>> maybe a specific dependency?
> Yes, you were right. It was not tested on ruby1.9 and there were some 
> incompatibilities. I pushed a bug fix to the branch proxy.
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