[Rock-dev] porting supervision to bundles

Chris Mueller christoph.mueller at dfki.de
Fri Feb 17 15:32:19 CET 2012


i've started porting our supervision from AVALON to the new bundle 
structure without using any dependencies to the bundles rock and rock.dfki.

I'm currently orientating on the help of the following resources:
- http://rock.opendfki.de/wiki/WikiStart/Standards/RG7
- imoby/bundles on spacegit (dfki)

I've copied all files to the new locations provided by the bundle 
standard and
$rock-roby instanciate -r simulation simulation <def>
$rock-roby instanciate -r avalon avalon <def>
outputs correct component networks i desire for AVALON.

But running a specific system (e.g. simulation) via
$rock-roby run simulation

results in some errors i would like to forward to this mailing list i 
currently observed:
(avalon bundle is selected)

1) config/deployment/main.rb:

wall_device = device('sonar').use_conf('default', 'wall_servoing')
define('wall', Cmp::VisualServoing.use(Cmp::WallDetector.use(wall_device)))

= sonar does not refer to a known task or device (known tasks: ; known 
devices: ) (Orocos::RobyPlugin::SpecError)
= Backtrace
|   main.rb:26,
|   simulation.rb:1,
|   /home/chris/repos/avalon_next/tools/orocos.rb/bin/rock-roby:9

its seems the file config/simulation.rb is not loaded with the definition:
Robot.devices do
    device(Dev::MarsSonar, :as => 'sonar', :using => 

2) Another problem occurs if i temporarely remove the device 
reconfiguration for the sonar:

= uninitialized constant Orocos::RobyPlugin::AvalonSimulation (NameError)
= Backtrace
| simulation.rb:11,
|   simulation.rb:11,
|   /home/chris/repos/avalon_next/tools/orocos.rb/bin/rock-roby:9


use Srv::Orientation => AvalonSimulation::StateEstimator

It seems Constants for the Tasks are not available in the file 

Did i forget an important argument for rock-roby or a special 
configuration flag in the bundle structure?

For more details, you can look to the complete bundle here:


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