[Rock-dev] Scheduler warning and realtime

Pierre Letier pierre.letier at spaceapplications.com
Thu Nov 8 15:27:39 CET 2012


I succeeded to build an application based on Orogen. It is currently working on a xubuntu 12.04. The application is running correctly but when I start it, I receive the following warning:

0.037 [ Warning][Thread] Lowering scheduler type to SCHED_OTHER for non-privileged users..
0.037 [ Warning][Activity] Lowering scheduler type to SCHED_OTHER for non-privileged users..

Based on a google reserach, I found the following answer on the Orocos mailing list:

In summary I need to change my user ulimit to use the real-time scheduler as a non-priveleged user. This solution works (I don't have anymore the warning). However, I don't know where, in my Orogen development, I specify that I want to use the real time sheduler. I don't define any realtime parameter in the deployment (I use the "automatic" deployment approach) or any priority. I was thinking that I was automatically in SCHED_OTHER from OROCOS point of view. Do you have any idea about that ?

In the future, I would like to port the component in realtime, using XENOMAI. For that I have the following questions:

- Any suggestion/advices about the installation/configuration of XUBUNTU/XENOMAI/Orogen (e.g. kernel configuration). Is there specific thinks to do with orogen ?
- How the orogen codes/component have to be modified/updated to make them working in the realtime environement (modification of CMAKE ?)
- How the GUI UI have to be managed if developped on the same computer ? (of course not realtime)
- is there any documentation/tutorial about developping orogen components on realtime platforms (like Xenomai)  

Thank you


Pierre Letier - Robotics Engineer

Space Applications Services
Systems and Ground Segments group
Leuvensesteenweg 325
B-1932 Zaventem

Tel.    +32 (0)2-721.54.84
Fax.     +32 (0)2-721.54.44

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