[Rock-dev] Debug messages in bundles

Christoph Mueller christoph.mueller at dfki.de
Wed Nov 21 19:10:10 CET 2012

1) Does anyone currently know how i need to configure a bundle to output all
runtime debug messages on stdout / or to a file?

I've added the following entry to my app.yml but it seems it have no effect. I'm
not sure if this has changed after the
introduction of bundles in rock. Would be great someone could shortly clarify

        roby: DEBUG
        orocos: DEBUG

2) How is configuration management in bundles (app.yml, orogen-yamls) actually
managed by Roby especially in case of using several bundles that are assigned
as  dependencies. Is each bundle using its own configuration independently from
the dependency hierarchy? Or does there also exists some kind of
overwritting / inhereritance mechanism?

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