[Rock-dev] Debug messages in bundles

Sylvain Joyeux sylvain.joyeux at dfki.de
Fri Nov 23 10:29:01 CET 2012

On 11/21/2012 07:10 PM, Christoph Mueller wrote:
> 1) Does anyone currently know how i need to configure a bundle to 
> output all runtime debug messages on stdout / or to a file?
> I've added the following entry to my app.yml but it seems it have no 
> effect. I'm not sure if this has changed after the
> introduction of bundles in rock. Would be great someone could shortly 
> clarify this.
> log:
>     levels:
>         roby: DEBUG
>         orocos: DEBUG
This should work fine, unless the app.yml you are modifying is not the 
one of the currently selected bundle.
> 2) How is configuration management in bundles (app.yml, orogen-yamls) 
> actually managed by Roby especially in case of using several bundles 
> that are assigned
> as  dependencies. Is each bundle using its own configuration 
> independently from the dependency hierarchy? Or does there also exists 
> some kind of
> overwritting / inhereritance mechanism?
Each time a file is looked for, the bundle mechanism currently looks (in 
order of priority) in the current bundle and then in the depended-upon 
bundles. So, if config/orogen/my_project::Task.yml is in bundle A, 
bundle B depends on bundle A and has no 
config/orogen/my_project::Task.yml, then the one from A is going to be 

The confusion about loading mechanisms (and about making them more 
explicit) has been the main subject from this week's Roby meeting. See 
some points here: 

Sylvain Joyeux (Dr.Ing.)
Senior Researcher

Space & Security Robotics
Underwater Robotics

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