[Rock-dev] Deploying an Orogen component from the OCL Deployer

Charles Lesire-Cabaniols charles.lesire at gmail.com
Fri Nov 23 07:49:23 CET 2012


I have created an Orogen component and I try to deploy it with the OCL
The component is correctly loaded, but its associated typekit is not!

For instance, with the MessageProducer component (from the first Rock
tutorials), the deployer complains that:

~/work/rock$ deployer-gnulinux
0.102 [ ERROR  ][DeploymentComponent::configure] Could not load library
0.103 [ ERROR  ][DeploymentComponent::configure]
undefined symbol: _ZN11omni_thread6init_tD1Ev
0.174 [ ERROR  ][DeploymentComponent::configure] could not load library
undefined symbol: _ZN11omni_thread6init_tD1Ev

And then the message_procuder types and unknown.

The symbol is not defined because the typekit does not link to any omniorb
library, which is a good thing anyway!

Any idea how to fix it?

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