[Rock-dev] base::samples::Pointcloud -> TraversabilityMap

Sylvain Joyeux sylvain.joyeux at dfki.de
Mon Oct 22 10:30:54 CEST 2012

On 10/22/2012 09:53 AM, Jakob Schwendner wrote:
> On 10/21/2012 04:34 PM, Stefan Haase wrote:
>> Hi Rock-Developer,
>> I have to create/update a TraversabilityMap using the informations of 
>> a base::samples::Pointcloud.
>> There is a possibility to load TraversabilityMaps from 
>> envire::Grid<uint8_t>, but the envire::Grid has to be created manually?
>> Maybe I missed sth, so I am thankful for any hint,
>> Stefan
>> -- 
> Currently the steps would be as follows (all from the top of my head, 
> so there might be some mistakes):
Small updates from Jakob's description ... As it is not entirely accurate.
> - Generate an empty envire::Environment
> - Generate envire::Pointcloud and Frame for it
> - copy base::samples::Pointcloud into envire::Pointcloud (never used 
> the base::samples type, so not sure which method to use there)
1. The pointcloud then needs to be converted to an MLS using the 
MLSProjection operator. At this stage, I would suggest creating a 
slam/orogen/pointcloud_generator orogen project with a 
"pointcloud_generator::Task" component or something like that that would 
export the envire environment. You can have a look at the 
corridor_planner::Traversability task from the 
planning/orogen/corridor_planner package 
to see how it is done

2. Connect your newly created point cloud generator to the 
traversability task mentioned above ;-)

Behind the scenes, the complete (envire-based) processing chain is:

   Pointcloud -> MLSProjection -> MLS -> MLSSlope -> Grid<float> -> 
SimpleTraversability -> Grid<uint8_t>

Sylvain Joyeux (Dr.Ing.)
Senior Researcher

Space & Security Robotics
Underwater Robotics

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