[Rock-dev] base::samples::Pointcloud -> TraversabilityMap

Jakob Schwendner jakob.schwendner at dfki.de
Mon Oct 22 09:53:59 CEST 2012

On 10/21/2012 04:34 PM, Stefan Haase wrote:
> Hi Rock-Developer,
> I have to create/update a TraversabilityMap using the informations of 
> a base::samples::Pointcloud.
> There is a possibility to load TraversabilityMaps from 
> envire::Grid<uint8_t>, but the envire::Grid has to be created manually?
> Maybe I missed sth, so I am thankful for any hint,
> Stefan
> -- 
Currently the steps would be as follows (all from the top of my head, so 
there might be some mistakes):
- Generate an empty envire::Environment
- Generate envire::Pointcloud and Frame for it
- copy base::samples::Pointcloud into envire::Pointcloud (never used the 
base::samples type, so not sure which method to use there)
- Generate an ElevationGrid and a TraversibilityGrid
- Generate a Projection operator linking the pointcloud and the 
- Generate a Traversability operator (?)  linking the ElevationGrid and 
the TraversabilityGrid
- run updateAll on the operators


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