[Rock-dev] Fwd: Re: IMUSensor - temperature and inclinometers values

Jakob Schwendner jakob.schwendner at dfki.de
Tue Sep 25 15:12:31 CEST 2012

On 09/25/2012 02:47 PM, Alexander Duda wrote:
>  On 09/25/2012 02:43 PM, Janosch Machowinski wrote:
>>  On 25.09.2012 14:32, Javier Hidalgo Carrió wrote:
>>>  Dear all,
>>>  I am integrating a new IMU in rock, which gives also Inclinometers
>>>  (m/s^2) and temperature (Celsius Degrees).
>>>  The current IMUSensor structure allows:
>>>               /** Timestamp of the orientation reading */
>>>              Time time;
>>>              /** raw accelerometer readings */
>>>              base::Vector3d acc;
>>>              /** raw gyro reading*/
>>>              base::Vector3d gyro;
>>>              /** raw magnetometer reading*/
>>>              base::Vector3d mag;
>>>  My question is:
>>>  1) To extend IMUSensor in base/samples/imu.h to have temperature (like
>>>  the Xsens also gives) and inclinometers (it is given for better initial
>>>  leveling)
>>>  2) Create a new data struct in my rock-driver i.e IMUSensorExtend
>>>  structure to this IMU.
>>>  Which is the best?
>>>  Thanks,
>>>  Javier.
>>  1) sound like the better option to me.
>>         Janosch
>  The temperature gradient will be much slower than the other values and
>  you could also have n temperature sensors for your System affecting the
>  IMU. Therefore I would go for a generic temperature structure. This
>  would also improves the overall monitoring of your system as all
>  temperatures can be displayed by a generic widget.
Same for inclinometer. I would process the values in the driver module
already. Just add additional output ports to the module.


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