[Rock-dev] override cmake packages

Sascha Arnold sascha.arnold at dfki.de
Mon Jul 8 19:22:24 CEST 2013

I need to override two packages in the spacebot package set normally 
provided in the rock package set.

I already overrode them in the source.yml and also applied own patches.
So far it works, but then it won't apply the flags defined in 
cmake_package in libs.autobuild witch are still defined in rock.
And if I redefine them in the libs.autobuild of the spacebot package set 
I get the message that I have two definitions and that the one from rock 
will be used.

So the question is now how can I force it to use the definition from 
spacebot? Or is there a even better way?

I need that for g2o and pcl. I already found out that I can also set the 
CMake Flags in the overrides.rb, but for the pcl lib this line "env_add 
'PKG_CONFIG_PATH', File.join(pkg.prefix, 'lib64', 'pkgconfig')" is also 
needed to find the local flann library and I have no clue how to add 
that in the overrides.rb..


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