[Rock-dev] csv_logger and rock-toolchain

Sylvain Joyeux sylvain.joyeux at dfki.de
Tue Nov 12 20:45:46 CET 2013

Hey. "Somebody" ;-) sneaked a csv_logger package in the rock-toolchain
package set.

In my opinion, rock-toolchain is a "toolCHAIN", not a "toolSHED" or a
"toolSET". Meaning: it is designed to have tools that work together to form
a whole, this whole allowing to solve the greater problem (in our case:
building robots).

This csv_logger really does not have its place. We already have a very
well-integrated logger, and if a better csv export is required, it should
IMO be in the form of an improvement of the CSV export of pocolog.

In general, please PLEASE refrain from adding packages to the "core" rock
(rock-toolchain, rock-base) without discussing it on the ML.

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