[Rock-dev] urdfdom failed in importing phase

Martin.Azkarate at esa.int Martin.Azkarate at esa.int
Thu Nov 14 09:53:09 CET 2013

Hi there all,

Build finished successfully after commenting the ros sources in .bashrc.

However I also did an autoproj update yesterday which may have had some 
influence as well, I don't know which one made the trick this time.


Martin Azkarate
ESA - European Space Agency
Spanish Trainee, TEC-MMA - Automation and Robotics Section 
ESTEC - European Space research and TEchnology Centre
Keplerlaan 1, PO Box 299 
NL-2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands 
Martin.Azkarate at esa.int | www.esa.int 
Tel +31 71 565 3480 | Mob +31 650 625 564 

From:   Javier Hidalgo Carrió <javier.hidalgo_carrio at dfki.de>
To:     rock-dev at dfki.de, Martin.Azkarate at esa.int
Date:   13/11/2013 19:51
Subject:        Re: [Rock-dev] urdfdom failed in importing phase

Hello Martin,

console_bridge is making urdf independent of ros (the logging part).
No idea why you cannot find rock logging. Are you sure you don't have any 
ros installation or ros sources in .bashrc that might create a conflict?


On 11/01/2013 08:01 PM, Martin.Azkarate at esa.int wrote:
Thanks for the update. the changes fixed the problem for the importing 
phase, it's checks out the package perfectly now, however it now fails in 
the building phase. 

Apparently I'm missing the base/Logging.hpp that is included in the 
console_bridge package, here the command output: 

lrm at ubuntu:~/rock$ autoproj build control/kdl_parser
  Access method to import data from gitorious.org (git, http or ssh): http
  Which prepackaged software (a.k.a. 'osdeps') should autoproj install 
automatically (all, none or a comma-separated list of: os gem pip) ? all

  Access method to import data from github.com (git, http or ssh): http
  WARN: osdeps definition for qtruby, previously defined in 
autoproj/remotes/rock.toolchain/rock.osdeps-ruby18 overridden by 
  WARN: osdeps definition for doxygen, previously defined in 
autoproj/remotes/orocos.toolchain/orocos.osdeps overridden by 
  WARN: osdeps definition for ncurses, previously defined in 
autoproj/remotes/orocos.toolchain/orocos.osdeps overridden by 
  WARN: osdeps definition for graphviz, previously defined in 
autoproj/remotes/orocos.toolchain/orocos.osdeps overridden by 
  WARN: osdeps definition for boost, previously defined in 
autoproj/remotes/orocos.toolchain/orocos.osdeps overridden by 
autoproj: loading ...
run 'autoproj reconfigure' to change configuration options
and use 'autoproj switch-config' to change the remote source for
autoproj's main build configuration
  Which flavor of Rock do you want to use ? next
  Do you need compatibility with OCL ? (yes or no): false
  auto-adding exoter/orogen/wheel_walking_test using the orogen package 
  auto-adding control/locomotion_control using the cmake package handler
  auto-adding control/platform_driver using the cmake package handler
  auto-adding exoter/orogen/locomotion_control using the orogen package 
  auto-adding drivers/orogen/camera_bb2 using the orogen package handler
  auto-adding robs/orogen/exoter_teleop using the orogen package handler
  auto-adding exoter/orogen/commands using the orogen package handler
  auto-adding exoter/orogen/platform_driver using the orogen package 
  auto-adding control/generic_rover_manoeuvre using the cmake package 
  auto-adding robs/exoter_teleop using the cmake package handler
  the target operating system for Orocos/RTT (gnulinux or xenomai): 
  which CORBA implementation should the RTT use ? omniorb
  WARN: the following packages are using a different branch than the 
current flavor
  WARN: it is assumed that it is intentional
  WARN:   control/kdl(master), ocl(toolchain-2.5), log4cpp(toolchain-2.5)

autoproj: importing and loading selected packages
  checked out control/urdfdom 
  checked out base/console_bridge 
  checked out control/urdfdom_headers 
  control/kdl: changed value of CMAKE_MODULE_PATH from 
/home/lrm/rock/base/types/cmake to
  base/types: changed value of CMAKE_MODULE_PATH from 
/home/lrm/rock/base/types/cmake to
  external/sisl: changed value of CMAKE_MODULE_PATH from 
/home/lrm/rock/base/types/cmake to
autoproj: building and installing packages
  configured CMake for base/cmake  
  configured CMake for external/sisl 
  built base/cmake  
  configured CMake for control/urdfdom_headers 
  installed base/cmake 
  built external/sisl 
  built control/urdfdom_headers 
  installed external/sisl 
  installed control/urdfdom_headers  
  configured CMake for base/types 
  built base/types 
  installed base/types 
  configured CMake for base/console_bridge  
  configured CMake for control/kdl  
  built base/console_bridge 
  installed base/console_bridge 
  built control/kdl 
  installed control/kdl 
  configured CMake for control/urdfdom 
Build failed 
control/urdfdom(/home/lrm/rock/control/urdfdom): failed in build phase
    'make --jobserver-fds=3,4 -j' returned status 2
    see /home/lrm/rock/install/log/control/urdfdom-build.log for details
    last 10 lines are:

        make --jobserver-fds=3,4 -j
    in directory /home/lrm/rock/control/urdfdom/build
    Scanning dependencies of target urdfdom_world
    [  6%] Building CXX object 
    In file included from 
    /home/lrm/rock/install/include/console_bridge/console.h:4:28: fatal 
error: base/Logging.hpp: No such file or directory
    compilation terminated.
    make[2]: *** [urdf_parser/CMakeFiles/urdfdom_world.dir/src/pose.cpp.o] 
Error 1
    make[1]: *** [urdf_parser/CMakeFiles/urdfdom_world.dir/all] Error 2
    make: *** [all] Error 2 

Martin Azkarate 
ESA - European Space Agency
Spanish Trainee, TEC-MMA - Automation and Robotics Section 
ESTEC - European Space research and TEchnology Centre
Keplerlaan 1, PO Box 299 
NL-2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands 
Martin.Azkarate at esa.int | www.esa.int 
Tel +31 71 565 3480 | Mob +31 650 625 564 

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