[Rock-dev] Rock-ROS bridge in Stable

Pierre Letier pierre.letier at spaceapplications.com
Thu Nov 14 10:38:26 CET 2013


Does the Rock/ROS bridge is included in the Stable flavor of Rock (as it is in the documentation of the Rock Stable website). Or is it still only compatible with the Master flavor ?

I have an issue for installing it with the Stable flavor. I get the following error when I try to build:

base/orogen/std, in flavor stable, depends on tools/rtt_transports/ros which is not included in this flavor
  in /home/pierre/Haco/Rock_stable/autoproj/remotes/rock.base/overrides.rb:131:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
  in /home/pierre/Haco/Rock_stable/autoproj/remotes/rock.base/overrides.rb:128:in `each'
  in /home/pierre/Haco/Rock_stable/autoproj/remotes/rock.base/overrides.rb:128:in `block in <top (required)>'

Thank you, 

Best Regards, 


Pierre Letier
Robotics Engineer

Space Applications Services NV/SA
Leuvensesteenweg 325, 1932 Zaventem, Belgium
Direct: +32 (0)2-416.05.04
Main: +32 (0)2-721.54.84 Fax: +32-(0)2-721.54.44 

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