[Rock-dev] Typleib and Builtins...

Sylvain Joyeux bir.sylvain at gmail.com
Fri Aug 8 19:22:30 CEST 2014

> Uhm, your answer is ambiguous. So, is it possible, to haven
> signed char / unsigned char / char as three separate Numerics
> registered ?
Would be possible but definitely not what I had in mind.

What typelib does so far is ensure that all numeric types have a
normalized name, but still provide the relevant aliases.

> I am not sure, if there is a real gain of using intX_t types. In the
> end it is a test on if the type is a Numeric with or without signess
> and a certain bit width, as do_compare ignores the type name
> completely.
There's no gain for typelib, there is a huge gain for the user as one
will not have two different fundamental types named the same in two
separate registries.


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