[Rock-dev] Github migration - almost there

Jakob Schwendner jakob.schwendner at dfki.de
Tue Jul 8 14:40:53 CEST 2014

> But there should be one metapackage (rock.minimal?) that only contains the
> packages from the infrastructure that every installation really needs, for
> example orogen, rtt, base-types, roby, syskit. Without them you cannot
> and run any rock installation. All specific packages like drivers,
> image_processing and gui should be in their own optional metapackages.
> By just using the minimal packageset I don't need to select all required
> packages manually and you are not forced to install optional packages.

In my opinion this is what we have a dependency system for. There is no such
thing as stuff that everyone needs. You select the things you want, e.g.
imu_driver, motion_controller, and it will select the required dependencies
for you. You can then even add or not add the gui package, and since the
optional feature will use this information to compile in or not compile the
vizkit stuff.

I don't see package-sets as things that get compiled as a whole other than
for testing.



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