[Rock-dev] Rock Release 1408

Janosch Machowinski Janosch.Machowinski at dfki.de
Wed Sep 3 19:26:55 CEST 2014

The main issue that is solve by this, is that you don't get
updated, because stable/next/master moved on. Now you
need to change the release explicitly.

Also I tried to freeze all external dependencies. The only
ones not being frozen are the ruby ones. Is there a way
to specify, which versions of the gems get installed ?

I don't see why you can't mix devel with release code.
You just set the override for the branch to whatever
you want, done.


Am 03.09.2014 18:42, schrieb Sylvain Joyeux:
> On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 1:03 PM, Martin Zenzes <martin.zenzes at dfki.de> wrote:
>> How man people (besides maybe a small number of core-guys) are using the
>> branch on a actual system? I could imagine a number close to zero --
>> changing the branch from a "working" checkout alone takes time, testing
>> and bug-reporting as well...
> Given that, doing this, the 'stable' would become 'the latest
> release', it would definitely become the development branch for the
> projects I manage. And it would have close to zero extra work since it
> would be "the latest release".
> I am really wary of the whole release thing. Would there be a document
> explaining how it solves the current problems without adding new ones,
> maybe I would not. It, *in addition*, adds new problems (the most
> problematic being the complete inability to mix the release code with
> in-devel code). It has been dropped as the solution to all the
> problems, but nobody wrote down *how* it solves them and what are its
> downsides.
> But, at least, *I know how to work around the limitations of the
> stable flavor*. To finish, I don't force anybody to use it.
> Sylvain
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