[Rock-dev] Modifying a complex properties from ruby

Ajish Babu ajish.babu at dfki.de
Thu Sep 4 20:19:56 CEST 2014

Hi all,

I have a complex property with std::vector (sub-configs) inside 
std:vector (configs). I am trying to modify the property from ruby script.

Changing any already existing value works fine. But once I try to push a 
new element to the sub-configs and then write it back like

             configs = task.configs.to_a

             configs.each do | config |
                 sub_configs = config.sub_configs.to_a
                 sub_configs.push( Types::SubConfig.new )
                 config.sub_configs = sub_configs

             task.configs = configs

it crashes. Does anybody know how this can be achieved?


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