[Rock-dev] Proposal for a Rock website redesign

Steffen Planthaber Steffen.Planthaber at dfki.de
Fri Mar 13 09:39:09 CET 2015


Am 12.03.2015 um 17:32 schrieb Sylvain Joyeux:
> On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 12:41 PM, Steffen Planthaber

>   - it seems that we can keep rock-robotics.org as our main URL
> (https://help.github.com/articles/setting-up-a-custom-domain-with-github-pages/).

The simulation page is currently trying to do this, results should be 
available in some days.

>   - the issue of how to update the API and package directory. I would
> like to get the HTML of the package directory generated client-side
> via javascript, the JS input being JSON files generated and added to
> the gh-pages branch. This would remove the dependency on having
> successful full builds as the package directory could easily be
> updated incrementally.

Yes, but "someone" "somewhere" has to update the gh-page branch when the 
code changed. This could still be the job of the buildserver. The plus 
is that it can also be done manually by the package maintainer.

> Could handle the API identically, but updating
> the whole API doc on github is going to be a pain. Currently, the only
> API-related thing that is required by the package directory is whether
> a package has API doc or not. This could also be stored as JSON and
> updated client-side.

So all we need is an JSON page which tells avilable packages and query 
the availability of a according gh-page and create a link, if a gh-page 

We could also try to use the github api to retrieve a list of packages, 
like of "rock-core" and "rock-planning" etc.

But that whouldn't create correct package names, when the naming sceme 
is incorrect, e.g. when base-orogen-types.git is not the 
"/base/orogen/types" package.

Here is the JSON of the github API:


It also tells directly the homepage set for the repo, also whether a 
gh-page exists for the package or not

There are also other possible information that could be useful on the 
directory page:
  - repo URL
  - number of issues/PRs
  - wiki present

But there is one unsolved issue: the automatically generated doc on the 
gh-page needs to support flavors/releases, could be solved with 
subfolders on the gh-page though. Who will update these? If the 
buildserver should do it, he needs access to all packages.

Another option whould be that users can generate per package docs and 
create pull requests. And no automatic updates are made.


  Steffen Planthaber

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  E-Mail:   Steffen.Planthaber at dfki.de

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