[Rock-dev] Progress for the next rock release

Sylvain Joyeux bir.sylvain at gmail.com
Thu Mar 12 20:29:48 CET 2015

The autoproj/autobuild pair that would support versioning is in beta.
You've all seen the email. I and Jakob have been using it for a while,
so it is already in a pretty good shape (I believe)

Since we discussed that we should re-release 14.08 using the new
method, the 'stable' flavor will have to be switched back to the
'stable' branch and the current rock1408 tagged as rock-14.08. I've
done the tagging and the 'stable' branch already matches the state of
rock1408. The necessary changes on the package sets are there:


What is left is to create the tool and workflow to make this work from
a user point of view, as well as make the release process as painless
as possible. I've started on something along these lines already and
made some notes here:

Thought it would be nice for everyone to have a look before next
week's video meeting.


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