[Rock-dev] OmniORB NamingService error

Sambeet Panigrahi sambeet161616 at gmail.com
Tue May 10 15:05:40 CEST 2016

I have posted about this in the OmniORB mailing list but I am yet to get a

I was following the steps mentioned in README.unix.txt for setting up
Omniorb 4.2.1. I have installed OmniORB using make and make install. Now
the next step is to to configure the omniORB runtime and the naming
service.According to the guide, first a variable OMNINAMES_DATADIR needs to
be created.
I did that using OMNINAMES_DATADIR=/home/sambeet/OmniOrb/datadir;
Now the next step is to start the naming service.
$ omniNames -start &

But I am getting the error:
omniORB: Failed to bind to address :: port 2809. Address in use? omniORB:
Error: Unable to create an endpoint of this description: giop:tcp::2809
omniNames: Failed to initialise: INITIALIZE_TransportError omniNames may
already be running, or omniORB may be misconfigured.
And sometimes I am getting this error: omniNames: error while loading
shared libraries: libomniORB4.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such
file or directory I did this in order to resolve shared library error
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib
But the error continues. Can you please tell me what are these errors and
how to resolve them?
Sambeet Panigrahi
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