German Conference Series MATES on

Multiagent System Technologies

In cooperation with the SIG on Distributed Artificial Intelligence of the German Computer Society GI

Monday, September 28, 2015

09:00-10:30 MATES Doctoral Consortium Session A
 Micha Kahlen and Wolf Ketter:
Electric Vehicles: An Agent-based Approach to Sustainability
 Serkan Özdemir and Rainer Unland:
Hydrogen: A Fuel Option to Future Transportation as a Part of Smart Grid
 Nelson Rodrigues, Paulo Leitao and Eugénio Oliveira:
Adaptive Services Reconfiguration in Manufacturing Environments using a Multi-agent system approach

11:00-12:30 MATES Doctoral Consortium Session B
 Jieting Luo, Frank Dignum and John-Jules Meyer:
Towards A Formal Model of Opportunism Based on Situation Calculus
 Sophie Laura Dennisen:
Voting in Traffic Applications
 Fabian Lorig:
Automated Execution and Evaluation of Multi-Agent-Based Simulation Experiments (short)
 Philipp Kraus: MASeRaTi: Massive Multi-Agent Simulation (short)

14:00-15:30 MATES Doctoral Consortium Session C
 Discussions with Mentors
 Panel Discussion

16:00-17:30 MATES Session A. MAS for Traffic and Transport
(Chair: Wolf Ketter)
 Welcome, opening
 Invited Keynote: Tom Holvoet (KU Leuven)
Decentralized, cooperative, anticipatory traffic management using 'Delegate MAS'
 Sophie L. Dennisen and Jörg P. Müller:
Agent-based voting architecture for traffic applications

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

9:00-10:30 Session B. MAS Platforms and Engineering
(Chair: Nils Bulling)
 Lars Braubach, Alexander Pokahr, Kai Jander and Julian Kalinowski:
Tailoring Agent Platforms with Software Product Lines
 Daan Apeldoorn:
A Spatio-Temporal Multiagent Simulation Framework for Reusing Agents in Different Kinds of Scenarios
 Thomas Wagner and Daniel Moldt:
Integrating Agent Actions and Workflow Operations

11:00-12:30 Session C. MAS Benchmarking and Scalability
(Chair: Jörg P. Müller)
 Invited Keynote: Wolf Ketter
Tackling Wicked Problems with Trading Agent Competitions: The Power TAC Experience
 Fabian Lorig, Nils Dammenhayn, David-Johannes Müller and Ingo J. Timm:
Measuring and Comparing Scalability of Agent-based Simulation Framework

14:00-15:30 Session D. MAS for Smart Energy (Joint Session with Energieinformatik-Tagung IDEE)
(Chair: Sebastian Lehnhoff)
 Carola Gerwig, Dennis Behrens, Helmut Lessing, Ralf Knackstedt:
Demand Side Management in Residential Contexts - A Literature Review
 Astrid Nieße and Michael Sonnenschein:
A Fully Distributed Continuous Planning Approach for Decentralized Energy Units
 Serkan Özdemir and Rainer Unland:
Trading Strategies of a Champion Agent in a Multiagent Smart Grid Simulation Platform

16:00-17:30 Session E. MAS Applications
(Chair: Tom Holvoet)
 Tobias Widmer and Marc Premm:
Agent-based Decision Support for Allocating Caregiving Resources in a Dementia Scenario
 Janek Bender, Stefan Kehl and Jörg P. Müller:
A Comparison of Agent-Based Coordination Architecture Variants for Automotive Product Change Management

Discussion & Wrap-Up Day 1

Wednesday, September 30, 2014

Morning - Opportunity to attend talks of Tag der Informatik

14:00-15:30 Session F. Smart Things working together
(Chair: Rainer Unland)
 Marc Premm and Stefan Kirn:
From Cooperating Agents to Cooperating Multiagent Systems
 Christoph Greulich, Stefan Edelkamp and Niels Eicke:
Cyber-Physical Multiagent-Simulation in Production Logistics
 Ion-Mircea Diaconescu and Gerd Wagner:
Modeling and Simulation of Web-of-Things Systems as Multi-Agent Systems (Short presentation)

16:00-17:30 Session G. Quality aspects of MAS
(Chair: Gerd Wagner)
 Christopher-Eyk Hrabia and Nils Masuch:
A Metrics Framework for Quantifying Autonomy in Complex Systems
 Hela Hachicha:
Place’s security in mobile agents system (Short presentation)

 Wrap-up, best paper award, presentation MATES 2016
17:30End of MATES 2015
