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Feature Description

We assume three pairwise disjoint sets VAR of variables, C of constants, and L of features.

Given a feature structure, a sequence of labels is used to extract a substructure. Such sequence of features is called a path and defined as an expression over tex2html_wrap_inline10975 ( tex2html_wrap_inline10977 will be used to indicate the empty path). Constants are viewed as primitive unstructured informational elements.

A descriptor is a sequence sp, where s is either a variable or a constant and p is a (possible empty) path.gif A feature equation (or atomic constraint) is defined as the equality between descriptors, where tex2html_wrap_inline10985 is used as the equality symbol. Thus atomic constraints are of the form


where tex2html_wrap_inline10989 and tex2html_wrap_inline10991 are both descriptors. An -constraint tex2html_wrap_inline10669 is an atomic constraint or a conjunction of -constraints, written as tex2html_wrap_inline10995 . Note that as more atomic constraints are included, the formula describes fewer feature structures, that is, it becomes less partial and more defined. Thus, these descriptions allow for the structure, partiality and equationality of information [Shieber1989]. For example, given that { tex2html_wrap_inline10997 , tex2html_wrap_inline10999 } tex2html_wrap_inline11001 VAR, {syn, agr, number, person} tex2html_wrap_inline11001 L, and {sg, 3} tex2html_wrap_inline11001 C, then


is an -constraint denoting some feature structure in which there is a substructure accessible via the path tex2html_wrap_inline11023 when the value of the feature number is constrained to be the constant sg and which can be accessed via the syn label of two different substructures (denoted by the variables tex2html_wrap_inline10997 and tex2html_wrap_inline10999 ). Since, the `agr' substructure is part of both `outer' substructures it is also said that they share a substructure. However, for the `agr' feature it is only required that if a number label is present its value must be sg. If we add further atomic constraints to this substructure we are able to express more information. For instance, if we add the atomic constraint


we furthermore require that if the person label is present its value must be 3.

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Guenter Neumann
Mon Oct 5 14:01:36 MET DST 1998