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The Anticipation Feedback Loop Mode

In the area of natural language systems a similar method that also integrates understanding and generation like Levelt's model is known under the term of anticipation feedback loop (AFL) which has been motivated as a special case of exploitation of a user model [Wahlster and Kobsa1986]. The basic idea of the AFL model is the use of the system's natural language understanding part to anticipate the prefered user's interpretation of an utterance which the system plans to realize. User-modelling is necessary to answer a question like (cf. [Wahlster1991])

If I had to analyze this communication act relative to the assumed knowledge of the user, then what would be the effect on me?

To answer such question a produced utterance is fed back to the system's NLU part under the consideration of the user model. If the result of the understanding process does not match the system's intention in planning, it has to re-plan its utterance. Figure 5.4 shows the schematic structure of a system which incorporates an anticipation feedback loop.

Figure 5.4: Schematic structure of an Anticipation Feedback Loop, based on Wahlster and Kobsa [1986].

A possible utterance S generated from a semantic representation SR tex2html_wrap_inline12179 is fed back to the understanding component of the system. The result SR tex2html_wrap_inline12321 has been computed under consideration of the user model. If this result does not match the original goal SR tex2html_wrap_inline12179 the system interprets this as a possible source of misunderstandings. Therefore SR tex2html_wrap_inline12179 is iteratively revised until the analysis of the produced utterances matches the system's intention.

In [Jameson and Wahlster1982] this method was used for generating elliptical utterances in the HAM-ANS system. A local anticipation feedback loop is used to ensure that the system's generated ellipses are not so brief as to be ambiguous or misleading. Suppose for example the user as entered the question:


If the room has in fact three beds and three desks, an appropriate answer of the system would be


instead of one of the possible other answers like


because they are undetermined with respect to correct interpretation. Therefore, the semantic representation SR tex2html_wrap_inline12327 of the user's question is taken into account during the process of ellipsis generation in the following way. After constructing the complete semantic representation SR tex2html_wrap_inline12329 of the system's answer, SR tex2html_wrap_inline12329 is compared from the top downward with SR tex2html_wrap_inline12327 in order to determine the set of essentially identical subtrees of both representations. The top-down approach orders them automatically with respect to their size. The smallest identical subtree is chosen as a possible candidate for an elliptic utterance. Before that partial semantic representation SR tex2html_wrap_inline12335 is actually passed to the surface transformation process, SR tex2html_wrap_inline12335 is fed back to the system to check whether SR tex2html_wrap_inline12335 will possibly be understood by the user according to the system's intention. Using the ellipsis reconstruction component of the system's understanding part, SR tex2html_wrap_inline12335 is compared with SR tex2html_wrap_inline12327 to be able to determine whether SR tex2html_wrap_inline12335 is actually a part of SR tex2html_wrap_inline12327 (which must be the case because otherwise the system itself is in an inconsistent state). If SR tex2html_wrap_inline12335 occurs only in one subtree of SR tex2html_wrap_inline12327 then it is chosen as a candidate and passed to the verbalization component. If two or more subtrees exist in SR tex2html_wrap_inline12327 that match SR tex2html_wrap_inline12335 , SR tex2html_wrap_inline12335 is rejected and the next larger subtree of SR tex2html_wrap_inline12329 is chosen from the list of possible candidates and the same method is applied again. In summary, before verbalizing an elliptic utterance immediately, the system attempts to reconstruct its semantic representation as the user would, i.e. by determining how it fits into the structure of the original question SR tex2html_wrap_inline12327 .

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Guenter Neumann
Mon Oct 5 14:01:36 MET DST 1998